We bet you have doubts about how Solarud can improve your energy yield. So, we are telling you how to verify the real impact of this water drainer device called Solarud.
First thing first: what do you need?
- Be able to measure the output production per string in different MPPTs (monitoring).
- Have two strings (different MPPTs) with the same historical production and equal orientation and inclination.
- Clean both strings.
Now that you have fulfilled all requirements, you are ready to visit our website store and order the number of Solaruds that you will need for the test.
Be aware that we recommend two pieces per solar panel if they are in portrait position and three if they are in landscape position.
Thus, for the testing aim, you will only need to install Solarud in one of the strings previously chosen (for now).

After your order, our team will do everything to deliver the drain devices the fastest way possible. As the manufacture and package are made from Portugal to you, usually, the reception takes two to five workdays to Europe and four to ten days for the rest of the world.
You can use that time to organize your spreadsheet and insert the historical energy production data about your two strings.
When you receive the package, verify if everything was delivered as it was supposed to. If so, break (or not) the excessive plastic of the drain device to achieve the right frame height. See here how to do it.
Once you have completed all the previous tasks, you are ready to finally install the Solarud on your solar panels (say goodbye to that awful soiling pattern). Remember, first fit the top and then click the bottom of Solarud, in the solar module frame.
Now you can go back to your desktop and let the rain, the dew, and the drainer device do their job.
You can visit the site once in a while and verify the visible soiling accumulation near the frames without Solarud and the cleanness of the modules with Solarud.

Weekly, you can follow the production evolution of both strings and register the values in that spreadsheet that you already have worked on. Let us know if you want to receive our template.
Solarud production evolution
You should have a behavior like this:

We measured two strings in 25 weeks, from December 18th until July 15th. We had two periods without communications, but when the data was back on April 28th, the difference between the strings was not so big. However, it remained notorious and continuous until July 15th. Solarud has contributed to a production increase of around 5% if no other anomalies have happened on the string without the water drainer device. This study indicates an average economy of 3,5%. In this photovoltaic system, the ROI is near three years, but the higher the peak power, the greater the ROI.

We also want to give you a few tips for better use of Solarud
1. See the kind of soiling pattern that you have, to evaluate how many Solaruds you need.

2. Solarud has three different frame heights (30, 35, and 40mm) and a thickness between 8 and 11 mm). Confirm through your module datasheet the solar panels’ dimensions and if they are different, let us know.
3. Our solution is more efficient on solar modules with an inclination up to 20 degrees.
4. Read the “Quick User Guide” before applying Solaruds.
After you confirm that the economies are this high, you can proceed with an order for the other string used for the test and tell your colleagues about it.
If you have any questions or doubts, tell us through our contacts.
Tell us how your study is going. We would love to know about it.
All the best!
The Solarud team.